The id property within the document contained by this node type, defaults to 'id'
String indicating the property on this nodes document that contains the id(s) of its parent.
The repository for this node type, provides async getter function. Must follow the Repository interface spec.
Determine access to a given permission, provide a reason for access result.
Steps for checking access for a given permission:
Get the class of this instance
Instance version of static method
Retrieve all ids in the hierarchy of nodes steming from this instance
Get the id value on the document contained in this node
Get the name of this node
Determine what subclass of node this node is.
Determine what subclass of node this node is.
Get the relative super class constructor of this instance
Given an id of a parent of this node, create a Node instance of that object.
Either the
Get the parent objects of an instance of this node. Must be overriden by subclass unless the static parentId is defined.
Retrieve a permission for a given subject via binary search. Returns an empty permission object if none is found.
Retrieve permissions hierarchy for this node.
Get the repository for this class
Check if this class direcly inherits from HierarchyNode by checking if the class two levels up is Node
Check if this node is a particular Node subclass
Sort the permissions on this document by subjectId to allow for fast searching.
Pretty printing
Modify a permission on this Resource for a given Subject, using action
to modify the permissions object. If no permission exists, a new permission is created.
Ensure that a given class inherits from Node
Retrieve all class names in the hierarchy of nodes stemming from this class
Generated using TypeDoc
Resource class, permissions are stored on these Nodes, and Subject nodes check for access to these nodes.